I can not express how happy it makes me to deliver to 225 notes of appreciation to our staff this morning. ☺️ It's not too late to send one to your teacher! http://bit.ly/3HJ2u1D
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
Teacher Appreciation
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
Join us at JISD
Thank you.
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
Thank you
Shout out to our amazing School Lunch Heroes at JES, JMS, and JHS!
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
lunch hero day
The JISD School Board regular monthly meeting has been rescheduled for May 11, 2023 at 7:00 PM.
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 8-12 and we would love to give you the opportunity to share your appreciation. Simply go to: bit.ly/3HJ2u1D or scan the QR Code All "Thank You" messages will be delivered on May 12th.
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
Teacher Appreciation
We received a great question about CTE programs at JISD. In addition to Agriculture courses, JISD offers Family & Consumer Science, Floral Design, Education & Training, Welding, Health Science with IBC (Industry Based Certification) beginning next year and Health Science with a CCMA (Certified Clinical Medical Assistant) course completing their program. If the bond passes, we do hope to incorporate more programs. Culinary Arts and Meat Science has been discussed if we can provide an appropriate lab. Student interest has to be considered with any new implementation. That will guide us in designing the proposed CTE building. For more FAQs, https://www.jacksboroisd.net/o/jisd/page/bond-faq
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
JISD Bond 2023
Today is your last day for early voting. https://www.jacksboroisd.net/o/jisd/page/jisd-bond-2023
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
Early Voting
Don't miss your opportunity to vote early. The amazing elections team is waiting for you at the Jack County Courthouse. It's time to hear from our Athletic Director, Casey Hubble and Fine Arts Director, Patrick Flaniken: https://youtu.be/QnkumEolvlE
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
Early Voting
Don't forget to cast your vote! If you have any questions about JISD Bond 2023, check out this livestream with Superintendent Brad Burnett: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=189945843813572
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
Early Voting
We are so excited to have the best in our transportation department! Happy National Bus Drivers Day
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
National Bus Drivers Day
Early voting has begun! If you have any questions, https://www.jacksboroisd.net/o/jisd/page/jisd-bond-2023
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
Early Voting
We are proud of our CTE programs and the educators who work tirelessly to support them. https://youtu.be/ccdOIKe6m6A
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
Early Voting
Early voting starts Monday!!
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
Early Voting Starts Monday
If you have any questions about the language required for the JISD Bond 2023 ballot, please come out to the JMS Town Hall tonight. We would love to answer your questions.
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
Ballot Language
JMS Town Hall
Students from JES to JHS will be impacted by JISD Bond 2023. https://youtu.be/PBimEETP2lI Remember our last Town Hall will be tomorrow at 5:00 in the JMS Auditorium. You will have an opportunity to meet your JISD School Board Candidates as well.
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
The JISD Bond 2023 FAQ page has been updated to include recent questions about security upgrades and timelines. You can check it out here: https://www.jacksboroisd.net/o/jisd/page/bond-faq
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
JISD Bond 2023
Jacksboro ISD will be hosting our last Town Hall on Wednesday, April 19 at the JMS Auditorium at 5:00 PM. You will also have a chance to get to know your JISD School Board Candidates.
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
Jacksboro Town Hall
JISD School Board Candidates
Jack County STOMP is pleased to invite your child, who has completed 6th through 8th grade, to participate in the XTREME Challenge Camp for 2023. The camp will take place here in Jacksboro June 5th-9th from 8am-5pm with some out of town evening activities.
over 1 year ago, Jacksboro ISD
Xtreme Challenge Camp