Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Car Riders
If you are driving your student(s) to school in the morning, use the following drop off location noted on the map below in red:

Please do not pull to the front of the building and drop-off your student. This is the bus, shuttle and transit drop-off.
Bus, Shuttle and Transit Riders
Bus, shuttle and transit riders will enter the school through the main entrance.
Walkers and Bike Riders
Walkers and bike riders need to enter through the 6th Street entrance and utilize the sidewalks to ensure safety. Bike parking is located at the back of the building. Students will enter through the westside entrance beginning at 7:30 am and ending at 8:00 am.
Car Riders
The car rider line is located on the westside (same side as arrival) of the school. You must enter from 6th Street. Please do not enter from Hwy. 281. The doors will open at 3:30 pm and close at 3:45 pm if there are no more vehicles in the car line. All students not picked up by this time will be brought to the office and you will have to enter the building through the front entrance and sign them out. We are asking parents to display their child's number plate when picking up their child so we can expedite the process. If you do not have a number plate when picking up your child, you will have to come to the office and pick up your child. Your child's safety is very important to us, so we have added this process to ensure the utmost respect to you and your child. If you need additional number plates, let us know and we will be happy to provide additional ones.
Bus, Shuttle and Transit Riders
Bus, shuttle and transit riders will exit the school through the main entrance. To determine the bus route your student rides, please call (940)567-7203. Shuttle buses run between the elementary school and the middle school. There are two buses each day. Transit bus is a privately owned company that provides transportation for a fee. Please call Sharp Lines at 800-633-0852.
Walkers and Bike Riders
Walkers and bike riders will exit towards 6th Street and utilize the sidewalks to ensure safety. Students will exit the building beginning at 3:30 pm.